Monday, 17 March 2014


Computers are considered to be family member in our day to day life. Even the people with little knowledge in computers are surfing the internet for social sites for their enjoyment. Thus becoming part of their routine life.

Hope all of them enjoyed reading my blog. If you have any criticism or good comments, please share with me. I welcome all comments. Please avoid using abusive languages.
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7) In General:

People store their lives on computers. It helps teachers grade papers, people do their jobs, students do assignments, and people do finances, pay bills, play games and much more. Many people have jobs on computers. It include animators, engineers IT professionals, communication managers, game designers, database developers etc., Computers connect people around the world. Now days, it is difficult to have a social life without the computer. It helps in providing information on weather condition accordingly people can plan. Purchase of various items online is possible and more common nowadays.

As the days pass, the importance of computer is having a significant role to play in our daily life. It is assumed that more than half of the daily works are controlled by computers.
6) In Automotive Industry:

Computer technology has been incorporated into automobiles. Computers are involved (as CAD systems) not only in the design of cars but also in the manufacturing and testing process, perhaps making use of CIM technology. Today’s automobiles include numerous computer chips that analyze sensor data and alert the driver to actual and potential malfunctions. For example, the antilock braking system (ABS) is computer controlled. Other computers provide warnings of actual and potential malfunctions. Automobile manufacturers are developing safer, “smart” airbags and remote tire-pressure monitors. Although increased reliability has been achieved by implementing such computerization, a drawback is that only automotive repair shops with a large investment in high-tech interfaces and diagnostic tools for these computerized systems can handle any but the simplest repairs. (Courtesy: Encyclopedia Britannica)
A modern automobile has over 50 microprocessors. (Photo Credit: Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, McGraw-Hill)
Each part of the vehicle is developed through computer systems. The machines inside the car works on the computer chip attached to the engine. Once the engine is switched on, all starts working. For Eg: When a car is going to hit any thing near by, it gives you a warning sign through sensors.
Please see below a  link which shows how computers work in Automotive industry.
5) In Police:

Penn College Police Officer Jennifer J. Bowers uses a laptop computer in a patrol car to access JNET information.Driver’s-license information and photos, vehicle registration, criminal history, probation and parole records and arrest warrants are just a few of the many items that can be checked immediately with the in-car laptops, allowing police to confirm identities and even issue citations on the spot for traffic infractions (Courtsey:Pennsylvania College of Tech.)Police use computers in various aspects. Increase in computerisation of police work is resulting in more effective crime-fighting. The greater use of computers by the police departments suggests a larger, increasingly complex and more highly educated police force. Most of the police staff are given highclass training in computers, so that, they will be able to solve the crimes as fast as possible.

Friday, 14 March 2014

4) In Mathematics:

One way computers help us is by automating routine tasks such as mathematical calculations, and performing them faster and with greater accuracy than human beings can. Programs are prepared in such a way, complex problems are solved in seconds. In a blink, all the answers are on your screen. If you compare the performance of computers with 20 years before, you will find a drastic and important change has come across in man's daily life.

Today's world the programs are prepared in such a way, that anybody can go in and do what every they wish. I mean to say, computers are more user friendly. Only a basic knowledge is required for a common man to divulge into the system. People tend to depend more on computers than any other things, so that results are attained in quick way.
3) In Agricutlure:

It is used widely in agricultural sector for controlling complex irrigations systems and sensors to detect pHof soil among other things, to give the crops a higher yield and faster grow times. Various types of seeds are invented and produced using computers. They may also be used to control fertilizer sprayers and other farming equipment.

Agriculture and environmentDifferent types of software has been developed to predict the weather condition and estimation of Agricultural Production. It also used for record keeping of information related to costs involved in production, transport, agricultural processes, and in the estimation and calculation of Profit and/or loss (Courtsey: Preeti Sunil,, December 22, 2011)

Please click below and see and how computers work in Agriculture.
2) Medical Industry:

In medical industry, computers are being used in conjunction with robotics to create a new breed of machine that can perform operations on a minimally invasive scale, thereby increasing the patient's survival rate and heal time. A good example for this is "Key Hole Surgery". It is being done, without too much effort and with the help of computers. Scannings are done through computers and within hours you will be provided with the result of scanning.


After the arrival of scanning method in medical industry, it is easy for every doctor to diagnose the disease in quick way and give treatment accordingly.

Computers have directly affected the productivity and accuracy of doctors.

Please  click the file below, which will give you an idea about how computers help in medical field.
Computers have the ability to help society by being implementing in a number of fields of science.

1) Space Aeronautics:

In Space aeronautics computers are used aboard space shuttles for use in data collection as well as used as a means for controlling flight. Most of the space ships are send without any human being and controlled by the people in earth through computer techniques. Even at a certain point of time pilots are free while the planes e in motion. It is being automatically controlled from the base through computers.
Hello Everybody,

My name is Antony Manjila.

In this blog I would like to present some of the helping nature of computers to our life. Even though the computers help in various ways, I will discuss the major ones which is commonly used by the people.
Hope you will enjoy my blogging.
This is my first time blogging and please don't hesitate to submit your comments and critics, so that I can improve myself.

Expecting your co-operation.
