Friday, 14 March 2014

4) In Mathematics:

One way computers help us is by automating routine tasks such as mathematical calculations, and performing them faster and with greater accuracy than human beings can. Programs are prepared in such a way, complex problems are solved in seconds. In a blink, all the answers are on your screen. If you compare the performance of computers with 20 years before, you will find a drastic and important change has come across in man's daily life.

Today's world the programs are prepared in such a way, that anybody can go in and do what every they wish. I mean to say, computers are more user friendly. Only a basic knowledge is required for a common man to divulge into the system. People tend to depend more on computers than any other things, so that results are attained in quick way.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Antony,
    For mathematics computer can solve with formulas any complex problems. Well done.
